HomeGermanyMunich International Airport celebrates 30th anniversary

Munich International Airport celebrates 30th anniversary

Exactly 30 years ago, on the night of May 17, 1992, Munich Airport moved to its current location about 30 kilometers northeast of Munich. The modern history of the air harbor began.

For 30 years, Munich Airport has served about 850 million passengers, transported almost six million tons of cargo, performing a total of almost ten million flights.

In a record-breaking 2019, Munich Airport handled almost 48 million passengers and made about 417,000 takeoffs and landings. Thus, the number of flights since the opening of the airport in 1992 has more than doubled. The number of served passengers increased even more – four times, turning the air harbor into a major European hub airport. The success story of the Munich airport was interrupted in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, which had a huge impact on air travel around the world.

This year, after the lifting of most restrictions, the indicators went up again. During the Easter holidays, traffic in Munich reached over 70 percent of pre-crisis levels for the first time.

The transfer of the airport from the suburbs of Munich to the northeast between the cities of Freising and Erding attracted the attention of the whole world. In just one night, about 5,000 people and nearly 700 trucks made it through the massive move and resumed work the next morning as if nothing had happened. Thanks to this experience, Munich Airport has since been successfully operating as a relocation consultant and opening new airports around the world.

As strategic partners, Munich Airport and Lufthansa reached an agreement in 1998 to jointly build, finance, and operate Terminal 2 of Munich Airport. To this day, this cooperation between an airport and an airline is unique in the international aviation industry.

In September 1999, the airport received a modern multifunctional service center – the Munich Airport Center (MAC). The opening of Terminal 2 in June 2003 provided the necessary capacity expansion. Lufthansa and its partners exclusively use the terminal, which is designed to meet the specific requirements of transfer traffic. It quickly proved its competitive advantage with its many retail and catering outlets, attractive recreational areas, and business lounges.

According to Skytrax, Munich Airport has been ranked among the most passenger-friendly airports in Europe for many years and has a 5-star airport certificate.

2016 Another global expansion took place in 2016, increasing passenger traffic by 11 million people to a total capacity of 50 million passengers.

Just three years after the opening of the Sputnik terminal in April 2019, the first phase of construction of a new pier began, which will significantly improve the service and quality of service in Terminal 1.

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