ГоловнаМіжнародні організаціїНАТОNATOsummit у Бруселі щодо співпраці Європи та Північної Америки

NATOsummit у Бруселі щодо співпраці Європи та Північної Америки

Генеральний секретар Йенс Столтенберг заявив:

“Рішення, які ми сьогодні зробили, показують, що Європа та Північна Америка працюють разом. НАТО і ми прагнемо зберегти майже мільйон громадян у безпеці”

The 29 Allied leaders took a series of measures to continue NATO’s adaptation to a more demanding security environment, including a new readiness initiative which will see 30 mechanised battalions, 30 air squadrons and 30 combat vessels ready for use within 30 days. Allies also enhanced NATO’s command structure with new commands for the Atlantic in Norfolk, Virginia, and for support and logistics in Ulm, Germany. A new Cyber Operations Centre will also be created at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium.

Allied leaders decided to launch a new NATO training mission in Iraq, with several hundred trainers, and to increase support for Jordan and Tunisia. These initiatives will help them counter terrorism and maintain stability. The Secretary General announced that NATO’s Hub for the South is now fully operational. The facility in Naples, Italy️, will help the Alliance monitor and respond more effectively to challenges in the Southern region. 

The Secretary General reiterated the importance of fairer burden-sharing in the Alliance and he confirmed that all Allies are increasing defence spending. This year, eight nations have committed to devote at least 2% of GDP on defence and a majority of Allies have plans to do so by 2024. Mr. Stoltenberg also said that, based on the national plans of European Allies and Canada, it is expected $266 billion extra will be spent on defence between now and 2024.

Allied leaders also agreed to invite the government in Skopje to start accession talks.

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