HomeМароккоMorocco Launched Second Surveillance Satellite, Mohammed VI-B

Morocco Launched Second Surveillance Satellite, Mohammed VI-B

Morocco launched its second observation satellite, Mohammed VI-B, on November 21 to increase aerial surveillance of the country.

– The French Arianespace satellite launching company launched into orbit, tonghit at 01.43 the new Mohammed VI-B satellite. The satellite the Mohammed VI-B launched from the Vega Launch Complex in Kourou, French Guiana will be used primarily for mapping and land surveying activities, regional development, agricultural monitoring, the prevention and management of natural disasters, monitoring changes in the environment and desertification, as well as border and coastal surveillance.

Designed to be complementary, the two spacecraft will work together to enable faster coverage of zones of interests. With this second satellite, the kingdom will become the first on the continent to deploy twin satellites.

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