HomeTourismWhat exotic traditions and rituals surprise tourists in Vietnam

What exotic traditions and rituals surprise tourists in Vietnam

Today Vietnam is one of the rapidly developing countries in the Asian region. However, in parallel with the development of science and technology in Vietnam, unusual traditions are preserved that can surprise Europeans.

Dog meat for dinner

The old Asian practice of eating dog meat has not bypassed the Vietnamese. This is one of the largest items in the food industry in Vietnam, which is in demand due to its cheapness. The Vietnamese, who consume dogs for food, believe that this tradition brings good luck to the house, and also has a beneficial effect on health and the body. Residents are sure that by consuming dog meat, strengthen the heart and nervous systems, strenand gthens men’s health. True, in recent years the local government does not like the old tradition, and they are trying to fight it. The authorities are asking residents not to eat dogs, as this is bad for the country’s reputation, and also increases the number of cases of rabies. However, despite this, dog meat is still on sale. Usually, dogs are specially bred for this, or stray dogs are caught on the street. It is not sold in tourist places, but on the outskirts of cities and in villages – easily.

Quiet talk and smile

If you want to please the Vietnamese, speak quietly, in an undertone, and politely. Vietnamese traditions do not welcome loud conversations. Calm Vietnamese are usually annoyed by loud-voiced Europeans. But natural delicacy will not allow us to make comments. In addition, it is customary in Vietnam to smile, but this does not mean a good mood at all. A smile is also a tradition, and behind it can hide a range of emotions: from sadness to hatred.

Belief in demons and black teeth

Some Vietnamese villagers continue to believe in mysticism and demons. They believe that evil beings surround them everywhere. Because of this, especially religious and more often elderly Vietnamese women stain their teeth black with a special plant. They think that people with a snow-white smile are fraught with demons, thereby attracting other evil beings to themselves. However, it is unrealistic to meet black-toothed Vietnamese in large or tourist cities today.

Ignoring the rules of the road

It is unlikely that this feature can be called a tradition, but traffic rules are ignored everywhere in Vietnam, which surprises European tourists. Most of the local’s race on bikes even on red and over zebras. Pedestrians have an unenviable fate here – you need to wait for the “right” moment and have time to cross the road. In addition, bike drivers do not follow other safety rules, for example, they use their phones while driving, and they put even small children in front or the “sandwich” format when a child sits between two adults on a bike. Interestingly, even in the taxi service, there are services where a taxi driver arrives on a bike instead of a car. In the first weeks, what happens on the roads is extremely surprising, especially in the capital because of the heavy traffic. However, after a month you get used to the local traffic.

All establishments open and close early

A tourist may be surprised by the opening hours of public institutions, bars, and cultural places. In Vietnam, everything opens early and closes just as early. For example, nightclubs are already full at nine in the evening, and at two in the morning – many are already closed. This is explained by the fact that the locals often start their working day at 7 in the morning. But entertainment establishments work every day and are filled with residents even on Monday. So, if you want to experience the charms of the local nightlife, keep in mind that after midnight, party guests begin to disperse. By the way, many museums also open at 7-8 in the morning and close at 15-17 in the afternoon. Some museums are even open until noon.

Come to the wedding in turn

Unusual traditions have not bypassed the wedding celebrations. A huge number of guests are invited to weddings here – from distant relatives who have been seen once in a lifetime, to neighbors and colleagues. Banquet halls are usually not able to accommodate such several guests, so guests come to the celebration in turn. They eat quickly, dance a little, congratulate the newlyweds, and leave, making room for the next guests. By the way, the bride and groom cannot sit down all this time, they must walk around the hall and accept congratulations.

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