HomeLifeStyleThe stewardess told about 4 habitual things that should not be done...

The stewardess told about 4 habitual things that should not be done during takeoff and landing

Takeoff and landing are the most dangerous phases of a flight. That is why it is at this time that flight attendants forbid passengers from doing certain things, as they can harm travelers.

Fall asleep

Sleep is a great help to cope with aerophobia and pass the time, but falling asleep during takeoff and landing is highly discouraged. The fact is that at this time the pressure in the plane changes dramatically, because of which the passengers’ ears are blocked. A sleeping person does not feel this and cannot balance the pressure differences, which leads to dizziness, ear pain, and even temporary hearing loss.

Listen to music

Being distracted by music, you may well miss important information and instructions from the ship’s crew. If an emergency occurs during takeoff or landing, such carelessness can be fraught with serious consequences.

drink soda

The human stomach contains one to two liters of air. During takeoff and landing, pressure drops can cause gases in the body to expand by as much as 25%, which can lead to bloating and cramping. Carbonated drinks, in turn, provoke even more excess air in the stomach.

Tilt the chair back

“Bring seat backs to a vertical position,” flight attendants ask for a reason but to ensure the safety of passengers. If an emergency occurs during takeoff or landing, the lowered backrests may interfere with the movement of passengers. For the same reason, it is not recommended to take off your shoes on an airplane.

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