HomeLifeStyleThe flight attendant revealed the secret of how to visit the toilet...

The flight attendant revealed the secret of how to visit the toilet without queuing

Convenient time to visit the toilet on the plane – immediately after the flight altitude, as well as during the distribution of drinks. At the same time a rather gloomy secret about toilets on the plane, because of which tourists may be embarrassed to use them next time, flight attendant Eric Roth revealed Buzzfeed. According to her, the crew members know what exactly this or that tourist is doing in the toilet.

During the long flight, tourists will not be able to avoid several trips to the toilet. Here is what the flight attendant said: “The toilets are next to where we are sitting. No matter how hard you try to hide the fact that you have defecated, we hear it through the noise. He is different, so we always know what’s going on in the booth.”

Sensitive passengers may assume that it is safe to use the toilet while the crew is busy serving tourists, but to use the toilet without supervision, all tourists who are worried about their physiological needs, unfortunately, will not have enough time.

According to the flight attendant, there are two moments on the flight that provide the best time for this. If you choose the right time, the passenger can have up to ten minutes of peace and quiet to go to the toilet to do their business in the cabin without the risk of being heard.

So, the perfect time is coming, as soon as the seat belt signs are turned off, because most people don’t need a toilet yet. The next best moment comes only at the beginning of the beverage service. This is due to the fact that most tourists are so eager to get free drinks that they are likely to cross their legs and wait a while, rather than miss a glass of juice or soda.

What still worries tourists is the question of whether the airplane sucks, as some fear. The vacuum in the toilet of airliners works only when the drain pipe is opened, and the toilets are designed in such a way that this does not happen.

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