HomeJapanOff the coast of Japan, lost contact with a cruise ship carrying...

Off the coast of Japan, lost contact with a cruise ship carrying 26 people

Communication with a cruise ship carrying 26 people, including two children, was lost after it was reported to have filled with water off the eastern Japanese island of Hokkaido, Kyodo reported, citing Japan’s coast guard.

A helicopter and patrol ships were sent to the scene to carry out rescue operations. The Coast Guard said it had not yet identified the ship, passengers or crew as of 5:30 a.m. local time. Before the contact was lost, it was reported that the ship was tilting 30 degrees.

A local fishermen’s cooperative said there was a strong wind and big waves in the area around noon. Due to bad weather, fishing vessels returned to port.

The peninsula, near which the ship sailed, is located in the northeast of the northernmost of Japan’s four main islands, Hokkaido, and is a popular place to observe floating ice. It has been a World Natural Heritage Site since 2005. According to the company’s website, the ship’s operator can carry up to 65 people.

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