HomeTourismNo way: 6 non-obvious things that are prohibited at the airport

No way: 6 non-obvious things that are prohibited at the airport

All airports have a set of rules that every passenger must follow. For example, you will not be allowed into the pre-flight area without a boarding pass. Baggage must be checked in at the check-in counter; liquids must be taken into the cabin only in 100-gram bottles. However, this is just the beginning of the “no” list, Tnkst reports.


Attempts to cheer up the gloomy security officers can turn into a real disaster. Just try to mention for fun that you forgot cold steel at home. With good chances, go for an inspection with an addiction, or even the police will be called. Airport employees act on instructions, how can they know if you are serious or not? This is especially strict in the USA, Canada, and some European countries.

You shouldn’t joke about neutral topics either. It is better to refrain from unnecessary conversations in general to avoid misunderstandings.

It is forbidden to wrap hand luggage with a film

Such suspicious baggage will be opened during the inspection, even if they do not see anything special inside the instruments. Who knows, maybe you wrapped your backpack with a special tricky material that shields the scanner beams and wants to smuggle something bad on board?

Never argue with security officers

And even more so, do not resent your voice about excessive security rules. For them, this is a signal: an inadequate passenger, urgently take action. But the measures are different.

Do not ignore the questions of border guards

Even if their actions or questions seem stupid. If you remain silent, you will get stuck in the control or not pass it at all. You will be considered suspicious and subjected to additional checks.

It is also not necessary to demonstrate excessive friendliness – for a border guard it looks strange. Most likely, he will ignore your smiles, but he may also suspect you of trying to chat him up. And then – you understand.

No roller skates or scooters

Roller skates, scooters, longboards, segways, bicycles, and other means of transportation are prohibited at the airport. You can carry it in your hands, you can not go. Warn the children about this.

Do not make noise

Listening to music or watching videos loudly without headphones is also prohibited. However, some ignore this point, which interferes with law-abiding passengers. Theoretically, you can complain about the violator to the airport staff, and he will be reprimanded.

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