HomeTourismIn Antalya, after the death of tourists, the gendarmes organized mass inspections...

In Antalya, after the death of tourists, the gendarmes organized mass inspections of safari jeeps

The Gendarmerie of the resort province of Antalya has launched a wave of checks on vehicles used on safari tours after an accident that killed tourists, Haberler said.

Extreme excursions “Jeep-safari”, associated with loud music, the roar of the engine, and the release of adrenaline, are in great demand among local and foreign tourists who want to see the natural beauty of Antalya. However, this is not always safe. So, last week in Antalya, a group of tourists crashed on an excursion, flying into an abyss. As a result, two people died and ten were injured, three victims are in serious condition.

In connection with the fatal event, the gendarmerie of the resort city checked the security systems in jeeps that are used for safari trips. In addition, the law enforcement officers examined documents regarding compliance with the requirements, insurance, technical inspection, and permits for conducting tourist activities.

A total of 45 vehicles were checked, and the drivers were given an explanatory conversation about safety techniques during risky road trips – speed limits and general traffic rules.

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