HomePoliticsThe United States said they were tired of Ukraine

The United States said they were tired of Ukraine

Former adviser to George W. Bush, Yale University professor Thomas Graham, explained why Washington no longer intends to discuss Kyiv with Moscow.

According to him, Joe Biden excluded the Ukrainian issue from the field of negotiations with Russia, as fatigue from the Ukrainian issue is growing in the West, in particular in Washington. Americans understand that a common understanding on this issue is unlikely, so the head of the White House will not try to change anything drastically.

“Biden wants to maintain the status quo with Russia. He understands that the opportunity to advance on the Ukrainian issue is minimal, and not much progress can be made here. Therefore, he will try to keep everything so that there were no sudden movements in either direction. He would be pleased with that, “Graham said.

Commenting on Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington, the former adviser called relations between the United States and Ukraine sluggish. According to him, there were no attempts to put pressure on Russia at the meeting of leaders. “Kyiv’s top priority today is solving internal problems,” he concluded.

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