HomeEgyptThe Ukrainian Association of Travel Agents demands that Turkey and Egypt stop...

The Ukrainian Association of Travel Agents demands that Turkey and Egypt stop accepting tourists from Russia

The Ukrainian Association of Travel Agents (UATA) has asked the hoteliers of Turkey and Egypt to “describe their position” regarding the accommodation of guests from Ukraine and Russia in the 2022 season.

“It is obvious to us that it is not a good idea to receive guests from both countries at the same time in one hotel. Such proximity will lead to conflicts and potentially damage to hotel property,” the appeal says. It has not been published on the UATA website, but a copy signed by UATA executive director Pavel Grigorash is available to the editors. He asks hoteliers to indicate their position on this issue, since it is important for UATA to make “an informed decision when choosing a hotel to offer to our Ukrainian tourists.”

At the same time, a video appeared on social networks in which people claiming to be Ukrainian travel agents urge hotels in Turkey and Egypt to abandon “blood money” and stop any cooperation with Russian companies and tourists.

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