A dermatovenereologist told how dangerous jellyfish are and what to do if they bite a person in the sea.
According to the physician, there are no deadly jellyfish species in the Black Sea. There are only two types: Aurelia and Cornerot. However, the doctor advised me not to touch the jellyfish. After a bite of Aurelia, you can get burns:
“If the tentacles, which contain the poison, touch the mucosa, then you will feel hellish pain, which can then last two or three days,” the doctor said.
As the doctor explained, the jellyfish straighten and inject poison under the skin of spiral cells with toxins. Fragments of the toxic thread remain in the body, and the poison continues to be released.
Cornerot bite is dangerous for allergy sufferers. A bite can provoke a severe reaction: redness, irritation, and chemical burns, as well as itching, burning, or swelling. In this case, it is urgent to take antihistamines and treat the burn with an anti-inflammatory gel.
If a person does not have an allergy, it is enough to wash the poison off the skin with soap and treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine.