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Phrases and gestures to show the man next to you that he is loved

Men have moments of insecurity. They can fluctuate both in their qualities and in your love. Every person has moments of weakness. Men find it especially difficult to fight them because of the social prejudices that require them to always be strong. A woman’s testimony of love is a way to make the man next to you feel appreciated, supported, and loved for who he is.

There are several phrases that can help you express your love for your partner. If you find it uncomfortable to say these words, try expressing them in action. Try to make the man next to you feel your love in these several ways by speaking extremely eloquently.

Here are some phrases and actions to help you show the man next to you how much you love him.

1. “I love to see you, hear you, feel you.”

As they say, men and women are not from different planets. We are from the same planet, but our brains work in different ways. Our hormones are different, our bodies and cells function differently, which leads to a different understanding of the world, different reactions, difficulties in communication. But nothing is impossible when we really listen to ourselves and hear what the other is saying. When we learn to put ourselves in the shoes of a partner and try to see the world through their eyes, this is one of the most obvious ways to express our love, and this is important to us.

2. “I love you the way you are, and I don’t want you to change.”

This is one of the most difficult things that almost everyone faces – the flaws of the halves. It is not an easy task to completely, unconditionally and unconditionally accept your partner as he really is, with all his chips. Usually these small flaws in character and personality are the reasons why more than one or two relationships break up. If you really love the man next to you for who he is, try to show and tell him every day.

3. “Thank you for taking care of me, but also thank you for taking care of yourself.”

Caring for each other is essential to maintaining love. Every man would be happy if he felt that his partner cares about him, she cared and tried to show him this. However, it is important that he takes care of himself. If we don’t take care of our own needs and don’t feel good, successful, happy, we will not be able to easily give love and care to the people around us.

4. Encourage his vulnerability without judging his weakness.

Many women make the mistake of pointing fingers at men when they are weak, vulnerable, suffering, or unable to cope. These are some of the biggest mistakes women make that can rob a man of his love for you. To show your partner that he is truly loved and accepted for his shortcomings and weaknesses as a person, do not judge him when he is weak.

5. Take care of him when he needs help, but don’t make him feel less courageous.

One of the greatest gifts women can give their partners is understanding. Understanding when a man needs support, encouragement, care, even in childhood. Give him these nurturing gestures, but don’t make him regret it. Don’t call him a boy. Don’t point the finger at his weaknesses or make him feel less of a man.

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