HomeHotelsHow to get the best hotel room for free - expert advice

How to get the best hotel room for free – expert advice

British experts shared tips on how to get the best hotel room for free, DIP reports with a link to the international hotel booking site Late Rooms.

The first rule is not to book the cheapest room. The chances of getting a room in the best category increase if you initially pay a little more. You can even order the second cheapest accommodation option.

“The more you pay for a room, the more likely it is that you will be provided with a better room,” experts advise.

How to get the best hotel room for free - expert advice

Another way to upgrade a category is to become a regular customer. If a tourist often travels to a city, it makes sense to stay at the same hotel. As a rule, hotels are accommodating to their frequent guests and can offer additional bonuses.

“And if this is your first visit to the hotel, let them know that you will be staying with them regularly,” the experts advise.

Travelers who stay for a short time are also more likely to get a great room for the usual price.

How to get the best hotel room for free - expert advice

“You will most likely get a better room if you stay one night. The hotel knows they can sell the room at its normal price the next day,” they clarify.

The time of booking is also of great importance. After 18:00, hotel staff know which rooms are empty. You can also take a chance and come on the busiest days (for example, during a conference). There is a possibility that all standard rooms will be overcrowded, so the only option is to provide you with a better alternative.

It will not hurt to inform the hotel staff in advance which room you want. For example, a room with a sea view or a balcony and internet. Mention if you have a special occasion: birthday, honeymoon, and so on. And further. Being polite, pleasant and smiling can also increase your chances of getting the apartment you want.

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